Monday, June 23, 2014

Blast from the past....CF-105 Arrow

Note:  All photos are via Robert Sullivan's Flickr Page.


  1. Way to bring out the Canucks...

    There's a big movement right now to cancel the F-35 purchase in Canada and just build these again. It's a completely batshit crazy idea, but you'd be amazed at how many people are for it.

  2. My Dad worked for Lockheed, off and on for all his life. Lay offs would put him to work as a carpenter, cabinet maker and auto parts man.
    He work for the Ford company as a mechanic, got his training and tools with a toolbox through the GI bill after serving in the Army during WW2, prior to his getting drafted he worked in Brunswick Ga. building Liberty ships at 16 years old.
    But, he always considered his place of work Lockheed. C-130 landing gear specialist, C-141 wing root man and scattered jobs on the Jetstar and C-5 projects.
    He worked for some black jobs one was the Hummingbird, which he was really enthused about.
    Hummingbird was the US version of the Harrier.
    he was sorely perturbed when work was stopped on that bird.


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